Pitch for VR Experience on
Healthy Eating

Concept design for a dead 3D VR pitch about diabetes prevention.

With number of diabetics rising in Singapore, this project served as a cautionary tale aimed to help educate the public about healthy eating and to promote a healthy lifestyle in a more interactive way, that is through VR. The visuals have to look inviting instead of looking dark and bleak to inspire people to want to play the game.

As I'm not very proficient in using 3D software to achieve the look I had in mind or have a 3D artist available to help execute my vision, digital painting was the fastest way for me to quickly get the vision I had in mind out.


September 2018



I started by sketching out my ideas first before creating flat colors in Adobe Illustrator. After I am statisfied with the colors and the shapes, I exported the files to photoshop to paint lights and shadows.

Ministry of Health


Creative Director: Hannes Rall

Concept Art and Illustrations: Khoo Siew May

Special Thanks: Sulaiman Abdul Rahman




Nature Therapy