Do You See What We See

Key Assets Campaign

A collaboration with Curative NZ to animate their assets for an animated short for Key Assets Campaign.

Key Assets is a not for profit organisation which operates as a non-government specialist foster care provider. They provide care for children and young people with high and complex needs. 

Young people come into foster care for many reasons - often because of family illness, relationship problems, family breakdown or a situation where their welfare is threatened. Unfortunately this means that this is an ongoing need to find more carers to provide these young people with a safe home for a while or, in some cases until they are old enough to live independently. 

To help Key Assets find people who are able to open their homes to these young people, an animated video was created to highlight some of their simple, yet powerful stories to show just what they see in the young people and why they need a stable and loving home. This campaign calls out to others ‘do you see what we see?’, and invites them to become a carer themselves.  


December 2019

Public Good Award 2020


Key Assets

Curative (New Zealand)


Creative Direction and Design: Curative

Animators: Jay Septimo, Khoo Siew May


Resorts World Genting Sky Symphony Attraction


Merli WeChat Stickers